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JAOO'2000 is behind us and we hope you enjoyed the conference as much as we did. We hope we have the pleasure to see you next year in Aarhus, September 10 - 14, 2001 at the JAOO'2001.

Platinum Sponsor:

SUN Logo


Check some highlights from the JAOO 2000 conference
[Speakers] [Exhibition] [Party]



Slides from the Presentations
Most of the slides from the presentations are now available - we will update with the last slides as soon as we get them.
Gold Sponsors:


Describtion of JAOO 2000 conference
JAOO is the premier European developer conference in JavaTM technology and object-oriented software engineering. The conference presents in-depth presentations and tutorials by researchers, engineers and trend-setters in software engineering and technology. We have invited some of the most prominent people in the field, authors of current books, and engineers developing tomorrow's technology today.

Newsletter Subscribe to the mailling list and get the JAOO newsletter
Our newsletter gives you the latest update on speakers and events on JAOO 2001.The newsletter will increase as we get closer to JAOO 2001 - so stay updated.

Speakers at JAOO
Speakers Bertrand Meyer, ISE Eiffel
The progress of component-based development requires a standard to specify the precise properties of components. The techniques of Design by Contract, originally developed for O-O classes, are useful, with appropriate adaptations, for components of other kinds too. This presentation will discuss the issues involved and describe the application of contract-based specification, documentation and testing techniques to the world of component-based development.

Other speakers:
  • Bjarne Stroustrup, Creator of the C++, AT&T Labs
  • Jim Waldo, Software Architect, Sun Microsystems
  • Kent Beck, Inventor of Extreme Programming
  • Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, OO Expert
  • Erich Gamma, Pattern and architecture expert
  • Kristen Nygaard, Creator of Simula
  • Mark Hapner, Sun Microsystems
  • Frank Buschmann, Siemens
  • Gregory Murray, Sun Microsystems

Contest Free Drawing: Win a WAP Phone and get the JAOO newsletter
Nokia At the maiiling list for JAOO 2000 we had a monthly drawing were the gift was a WAP phone. The winners were:

Congratulations to the winner in September:
Peter Faurbek Schantz Data, Denmark

Congratulations to the winner in August:
S�ren Carlsen, Object Oriented, Switzerland

Congratulations to the winner in July:
Anda Binzer, 3Dfacto, Denmark

Congratulations to the winner in June:
Eduard Mossinkoff, The Netherlands

Congratulations to the winner in May:
Bo Vincent Thomsen, Progress Software

Symposium Co-located Events

The JAOO conference had a number of related events. Among them were:
JAOO '99